We Are Moving!

Hello everyone! Curiosity to the Oven is back on track with a brand new site. I look forward to seeing you at http://www.curiositytotheoven.ca!

Introducing a new schedule, every other week I’m going to do Meal Deal Restaurant Reviews, where you get to hear about all the restaurants I’ve visited.

Quick shout out to my awesome friend at http://www.claudiayuen.com for my new banner! My very talented friend is available for freelance for freelance design work!

Happy 2014!

Happy 2014!

A new year is upon us! Since I’ve been a terrible blogger, one of my new year’s resolution is to post much more frequently.

However, real life gets to you (sadly), so there’s going to be a change in my posting schedule.

Every other week will be recipe week. In between, I will try to fill the gaps with reviews of what I’ve eaten and where I ate it.

Hopefully you’ll continue to support Curiosity in 2014! I wish all of you success and happiness this year!


It has been crazy at the Curiosity household. Basically were purging for new and (hopefully) wonderful new things. Not quite a renovation, but not quite liveable either. It’s going to be another little while before Curiosity can post anything. Sorry!!
